How To Join
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of C’ville Arts Cooperative Gallery!
We are a retail gallery on Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall, cooperatively run by Transient Crafters, Inc. working members group. We jury new artists five times a year and they may choose to apply as a Working Member or an Associate Member. Read on for details and how to apply.
All new working members enter on a provisional 6-month contract. At the end of this period, if all working
member requirements are fulfilled, the new member will be voted in as a full member with voting rights.
Dues-Paying Working Membership:
• One-time Buy-In of $200
• $85 monthly Fee
• Receive 87% of their actual sales (13% to Co-op for Administrator’s pay and overhead expenses)
• Work in the shop 10-16 hours/month depending on season and number of members
• Perform one assigned extra duty averaging 2 hrs/month
• Full voting rights
Percentage-Based Working Membership:
• No monthly fee
• Receive 72% of their actual sales (28% to Co-op for Administrator’s pay and overhead expenses)
• Work in the shop 10-16 hours/month depending on season and number of members
• Perform one assigned extra duty averaging 2 hrs/month
• Full voting rights
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (non-working):
• Month-to-month contract, cancelable by either party with 30 days’ notice
• No work requirements other than keeping your display well-stocked
• $10 monthly fee
• Receive 60% of their actual sales (40% to Co-op for Administrator’s pay and overhead expenses)
• $100 deposit (refunded if/when member leaves if they have met all contractual agreements)
Application Deadlines for 2025:
Sunday, March 30
Sunday, June 8
Sunday, August 10
Sunday, October 12
• Fill out the application form found
• Pay $20 non-refundable application fee (pay with cash or check made payable to C’ville Arts; or pay via credit/debit at the store register when you drop off your work samples)
• Submit samples of your work (please read carefully submission requirements below)
• Send all inquiries and digital samples to our New Member Coordinator, Meg West: megwest@earthlink.net
• Physical samples, application, and fee can be dropped off at the gallery during our business hours or mailed to:
C’ville Arts Cooperative Gallery, 118 E. Main St., Charlottesville, VA 22902
• You must be a resident of Virginia to apply
• Provide at least 5 physical samples
• No more than 2 distinct types of work; include 2-3 items representing each type of work
• Please submit your work in ready-to-sell condition (i.e. 2D work framed, prints packaged for sale, etc.)
• Submissions must include samples of some original works (if submitting print or other reproductions)
• We prefer that 2D artists have some original work for display/sale at the gallery at all times, depending
on the medium.
• Provide digital photos of your work to be shared with our voting members for the jury process. Email digital
photos to: megwest@earthlink.net (no large files, please!)
- These digital photos are not a substitute for the required physical samples.
Not sure how to get started selling your work? Wondering if expanding into a retail cooperative is a good move for
you? Unsure about the time or financial commitment of joining C’ville Arts? We want to support and encourage all
Virginia artists in our community and can help you determine whether C’ville Arts is a good fit for your business.
Please email your questions to our New Member Coordinator, Meg West: megwest@earthlink.net