Judith Ligon
Ligon Art
Think nature. Think wearable sculpture. Isn’t it great to wear a representation of nature’s creations! Creating with enamels on metal as well as with polymer clay gives me infinite possibilities for me and for you to enjoy. (Enameling is the process of fusing powdered glass to metal in a kiln at 1450 degrees F.)
In a step-by-step process, I first draw my design on paper then transfer said design or various shapes / elements to copper, silver, nu-gold, etc. and cut the metal by hand with a jeweler’s saw.
The metal shapes must be cleaned (I use an abrasive wheel with a Foredom flex shaft machine.) before soldering or fusing my silver wire or silver casting grains, followed by an acid bath, then washing with an abrasive cleaner and thorough rinsing and drying. Next, the enameling process is either wet application or sifted on dry to the metal shapes (after being coated with a bonding agent called Klyr Fire) using either opaque or transparent colored powdered glass.
The item to be fired is then fired on a rack in a kiln at 1450 degrees F. The number of firings depends on the size of the piece and the result I wish to achieve. A final cleaning and polishing is done before all elements are put together to form the finished creation. I have been enjoying enameling and creating with metals for more than thirty-five years.
Polymer clay is a petroleum based man-made clay, which is a malleable plastic that is baked to hardness.
One can find polymer clay, available in many different colors, under the brand names of Sculpey III, Premo, Fimo and Kato Clay, etc.
Creating possibilities with polymer clay first occurred for me in 2003 when I was introduced to the medium by a friend who is published in the polymer clay world.
I am a juried member of the Artisans Center of Virginia as well as a member of other Virginia galleries/organizations.