Martha Pullen & Ryan Williamson
Ryan Williamson:
I was raised on a homestead on a mountaintop in West Virginia. My parents raised much of the food that we ate and that included honey from a small apiary. In 1988 we moved to the Charlottesville area, bringing the bees in with us in the back of a U-haul. I was always interested in the behavior of the bees and harvesting and consuming honey. Years later when I finally settled down we started a small apiary of our own which slowly grew into a full time passion. I am especially fascinated with honeybee health and breeding bees that are resistant to pathogens. I sell colonies of bees and queens to other beekeepers and speak to clubs and beekeeping conferences about techniques of successful beekeeping. Over time healthy bees meant producing more honey than we could dream of ever using so I sell it at the farm, through stores and at the farmers market in the fall."
Martha Pullen:
Martha Pullen is a landscape artist based in Charlottesville, Virginia. She primarily paints with
watercolor but also enjoys acrylic, gouache, and pastel painting. Though she’s had a lifelong
love of art, it wasn’t until 2022 that she first tried watercolor and immediately fell in love with the
endless possibilities of the medium.
Martha enjoys the unpredictability of watercolor and paints intuitively to create landscapes full of
vivid colors and textures. She especially loves painting mountains, sunsets, and night skies and
is endlessly inspired by the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and the Green Mountains of her
home state, Vermont. Her work reminds us that no matter how noisy or stressful the modern
world may be, peace and beauty can always be found in nature.
Contact info:
Website: www.mpullenart.com
Email: mpullenart@gmail.com
Social media: @mpullenart